A Day with the Hidden Community of the Ottut Forest

Despite the harsh conditions and daily struggles this community faces, I want to share a different story with you. A story of fighters and believers of hope. The Ottut Forest is home to a community of about 200 people with houses in the caves and built from sisal and other materials that are available to them in the area. In the heart of this community lies a church built of rocks, with a rock alter, and rock-seats and leleshwa leaves for cushioning. It is here that they happily welcomed us into their neighbourhood with popular Kenyan hymns, and it is here that they congregate every Sunday to praise God. Under the scorching hot sun, we bowed our heads to pray. It is here too, where different tribes live in harmony – understanding and able to speak one another’s language. Seeing each other as family and friends. And under the sun, we shared chocolate sweets, and laughed into the camera. And under the shade, we stepped into their decorated homes: a large bed covered in warm blankets, a jiko (charcoal stove), a kalabash of water, a collection of colourful bottles neatly set on a stone shelf. A young teen lies back on his bed and smokes a cigarette, he giggles shyly and takes a puff.

We can’t stay blind to the fact that many people here are suffering from the Aleppo Boil, the scars show across their face, some worse than others. Some refuse to show us their scars, their eyes betraying the fear and pain written on their hearts. So it was some sort of victory to bring treatment and to see their eyes light up with hope: that maybe this thing destroying their face would finally be gone. And maybe it could be cured before another scar was etched in. And maybe they could look in the mirror again, and proudly hold their head high in the community again. A lady runs past us gleefully with the treatment adorning her face, there is a sparkle in her eye as she walks by…

I would like to say a big thank you to everyone that made it possible, and I would like to appeal to you to love on this community in your own sweet way. Have some ideas how?

Fill in your details in the contact form below and we will send you with more information on our fundraising plans, an upcoming event and how you can donate to Save the People of Ootut. I promise you won’t get any annoying emails or updates blowing up your inbox haha!

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One of the community elders stands in prayer, despite the struggles they remain steadfast in faith.
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A guide knocks at the door of a mans home built in a cave
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This little boy suffers from the Aleppo Boil which has infected his cheeks. They all managed to try the treatment during the visit.
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Eugene plays with his pet dog
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Elders sing a song before we leave
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The community was so happy to welcome us and asked that we don’t forget them when we leave

To read more about the people of Ottut find a full article on the trip here:


You can make a difference! Please find a Contact Form below:

Continue reading “A Day with the Hidden Community of the Ottut Forest”

Remembering 2015 with the Mini Explorer + Montage Video!


How was last year for you? Did you learn something new? Did you start your dream job? Did your heart get broken? I hope you grew, I hope you learnt to let go and that you grew stronger somehow. I hope it was the year you began to love yourself. Or started doing that one thing you wanted to do…

And maybe you figured out that “cutting off people” isn’t always necessary. Maybe you just need to talk it out. Hug it out. And yeah sometimes, you’ve grown apart and there’s just no way to fix it other than to say a painful goodbye. There’s still love, but it’s different now. And those clothes in your wardrobe, that you never wear, I hope you’ve figured out by now that maybe it feels even better handing them to someone who needs them more. Maybe it’s beautiful watching someone try on a pair of jeans that never fit you and smile at you with gratitude.

And I hope you remembered that if you have a responsibility, it means waking up in the middle of the night to make sure that she’s sleeping right too. It means fighting the battle, getting out of your bed at 3 am, because you need to be sure she’s okay. When she falls asleep in your arms, because the only time she’ll sleep is when you hold her, it makes everything… worthwhile.

And I hope you figured out that you simply must forgive yourself if you messed up. These things happen. You’re a human being. And maybe you could learn from your mistake and become a champion of the very thing that was your downfall. There’s still time to do right, as long as you’re alive. Forgive yourself. Because as cruel as the world may seem, it’s pretty forgiving and understanding too…

I pray you didn’t let the pain turn you cold, and unkind. I hope it broke you open rather than sealed you shut. I pray that you learned to keep loving, to keep smiling, to keep being that bubbly person you were when you were 18 despite what you’ve been through. We need more of you, there are too many angry souls walking around already, dropping dominoes as they go…

I hope you allowed yourself to feel heart ache, to allow the grief to console you. You didn’t run away from it, or look for healing in the bottle. Or look for healing in hurting others. But you allowed tears to cradle your face for a while… While God sat beside you, and you learnt the beauty of His presence with no words exchanged. And from that pain, you softened.

I hope you had a moment that was so damn beautiful that your heart jumped a little, and you laughed just a little, and you shook your head because you’d never been so happy in your life. I hope you stopped caring about what people might say, about the scar on your face. And all you had time for was to dance to the beat of the happy-drum.

Maybe you found time to accept your flaws, face your weaknesses and look them in the eye. Because those who become aware of their weaknesses find new strength. And during this time, maybe you started to figure out who truly loves you. Maybe you were astounded by the people that stuck around – the ones who didn’t give up on you even through your dark days. You don’t understand why, but you love them fiercly for it.

I pray that you have made peace with the past.

I hope you loved, and you were loved. I hope you dreamed, and you laughed so heartily. I hope you grew, and you found someone to wipe your tears. I hope you did something you were proud of, you stood up for yourself, you put yourself out there. And I wish you more in this new chapter, may you soar. Make us all proud darling. 😉


the Mini Explorer.

I dedicate this post to one furry best-friend of mine, and one feathery baby owlet, who didn’t get to be with us in 2016. You took pieces of my heart the day you went to heaven, and I miss you deeply, who knew you could teach me so much about loyalty, compassion and love. I’m sure your rolling in the glorious grass Spotty, while Orion soars above the night sky with her majestically long wings. My gosh, I miss you both…


Christmas with Eagles Point, Elementaita

If you’re looking for a sunny Christmas by the shores of a lake lapping gentle waves while you eat to your tummys content… then you should spend it in Elementaita. When you’re not hiking across the rolling Savannah hills or boat riding you will be curled up by a fire drinking hot cocoa and chatting to other guests. Located just beside the lake, Eagles Point offers chalets (cottages), camping and has a restaurant too. Their Eagles Point Explore package gives guests the opportunity to explore caves, see the hot springs and visit Kikopey nyama choma centre

Photos are courtesy of Eagles Point Guests

Roast Chicken with stuffing and served with roast potatoes or rice


Guests relax outside their cottages overlooking the lake and later on enjoy some nyama choma at Kikopey with the Eagles Point Explore package.

Book your Christmas Holiday!

Call +254 719 215 135 or Email eaglespointcamp@gmail.com

Find out more on eaglespointcamp.weebly.com

You can also follow their IG page: @eaglespointcamp

A MERRY MERRY Christmas from the Mini Explorer to you and your family. Thank you for reading and supporting this journal, I truly appreciate all the kind comments and messages that I receive. Happy Holidays!


Welcome to The Gari Moshi Art Centre, Nakuru

It all started with just an idea, like a little spark. Upon sharing this dream with fellow visual artists, we decided to plan a meeting. It was a little meeting of just five people, discussing their ideas on art and life. At this point in the story I want to urge each one of you reading this that if you ever have an idea (a spark) don’t hesitate to follow it through. I can’t promise it’ll be successful, it might be a great big flop, but laugh at yourself and move on! It certainly makes you more soulful and human when people realise you’ve made a ton of mistakes trying to figure out this thing called is life. Nobody is perfect and nobody wants you to be perfect. But if you really put your heart into it, it could turn into something amazing.

Henry Ndeges working on a painting
Henry Ndeges working on a painting
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Gari Moshi members posing outside the Gari Moshi Art Gallery

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Anyway, back to the topic at hand. A few meetings and new members later, we finally came up with the (temporary) name of Gari Moshi Arts Centre, Nakuru. This is because our gallery is located in an old Railway House. Perhaps we should change the name to “Nakuru Comedic Club” because about eighty percent of the time we are laughing and shaking our heads at what someone just said. We’re a group of down-to-earth, cheerful and eccentric artists who just want to share our art stories with the world. It’s an art family.

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“Gari Moshi Press Release 30th October 2015:

Welcome to the Gari Moshi Art Centre!

It is a platform, in the first place meant for artists and others who have a real passion for visual art, who are eager to bring art not one step further, but many steps. Eager to enhance (your own) art’s intrinsic qualities, art’s social, cultural and economical relevance.

An art centre as the place to be for ‘developers of art’, so to say.

The centre has no hierarchic organization, no costs of membership. The centre is just a shelter, an inspirational environment, a boxing ring, a place where you can network, propagate your qualities, use facilities, get coached, find info, learn a lot, dive into the depths of art, etc. etc..

A place for art-people, a sort of community whose members create ‘Cells’ as centre points of more structured activity.

If you are interested in participation or want more info then we like to invite you for the next meeting.

Contact us:


Graphic Design for Family Media designed by Gari Moshi Art Member Hysal.

Would you like to hire a Gari Moshi Artist to do your photography, graphic design or even a portrait? Feel free to reach us on the contacts provided or in the comments below.

Some links to artists work:

Henry (Tattoo Parlor and Professional Fine Arts Painter)


Portait Art by Jakiso https://www.facebook.com/artistjakiso/

Finally, I want to welcome you, artist, to join us! It doesn’t matter what level of skill you’ve reached or whatever… if you love art this is the place for you. Life is beautiful, don’t waste time on negative energy or bad vibes, make the most of everything that comes your way.

And Keep Warm!


Dealing with fear, shyness and all that negative mess…

My mother recently reminded me of this poem, it was one I had often shared with anyone willing to listen when I was younger. You see, it resounded so much with me. How many times have I said yes when deep inside I’ve been so unhappy? How many times have I watered myself down because I didn’t want to seem aggressive, or like a ‘show off’ or ‘too much’? But here is the thing, when you are true to the core of who you are you give room for everyone else around you to do the same. When I said okay to the wrongs things in my life, it meant okay to younger girls looking up to me: a cycle of young women who are afraid to express and speak for themselves. It meant it’s an okay to people who took advantage of my kind nature to keep doing so. And ultimately, it could mean that we begin to do the same (as hurting people hurt people) or we leave many things unspoken.

Life shouldn’t be lived this way!!!

Everyone gets there living space, the truth is there is enough room for all of us to grow and there is enough sky for all of our branches. But some of us whither in our shyness and lack of confidence whilst some forcefully push their branches upon others. But if you take back your room, with a firm but gentle NO, what is entitled to you – what is rightfully yours – will be returned.

I chose to be very, very careful with the friends I make and the things I allow in my life. The Bible in Proverbs 13:20 says that Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. This isn’t to say that we should become guarded and build walls up, but simply that we should have a gate which lets in all the beautiful experiences and personalities, and is very strict about not letting in negativity, unkindness or destructive attitudes. You overhear gossip and say, nope. Don’t want to hear it. Because gossip might be interesting but it’s at the expense of someones reputation and well being. Walk out of a bad situation, block it, delete it if you must. Think of it this way: you have no idea how many years you will be blessed with, God willing up to 90 or even 100. Wouldn’t you want to fill every one of these days to the best of your ability with beautiful people and experiences? So that, even when a painful experience inevitably comes along, you have the people you love about you to strengthen you and understand you. Why accept any less?

Speak out your dreams and the whole Universe will conspire to get it for you. It is Gods wish that we be happy, fulfilled, loved and at peace. Now, for the poem…

No More Smalling Up Of Me 

by Jean Wilson

No more meekly saying ‘yes’
When my heart is screaming ‘no’
No more taming of my feelings
So my power won’t show
No more hiding my exuberance
From disapproving eyes
No more watering down myself
So my spirit won’t rise

No more ‘smalling up’ of me
Pretending I am not here
No more running from the music
And the spotlight’s glare
No more living in this prison
Barricaded by my fears
No more turning and retreating
In the face of new frontiers

Even as I am speaking
I am taking shape and form
Harnessing my powers
Like a gathering storm
There’s no obstacle so bold
As to dare stand in my way
I am taking back my life
And I am doing it today.

Jean is a Jamaican writer, workshop leader and performance poet with a special interest in inspirational creative expression.No More ‘Smalling Up’ of Me is the title poem of her poetry book published by Ian Randle Publishers Ltd., Jamaica.

Be Blessed!!!


Some of the best moments are spent with great friends by a BBQ 🙂