Welcome to Kichakani Paradise, Aberderes

Introducing Kichakani Paradise, located right beside the magical Lake Ol Bollosat, Aberderes, Kenya, Africa, World… LOL.

Fields with high and untamed tufts of grass frame the shimmering and lapping waves. And yes, you will find the odd cow wading in the marsh and reeds. Beside this coy beauty is Kichakani Paradise, close enough that you can feel the sweet chill of the lake as you enjoy a beer.

As the night creeps in, you sit around the bonfire with friends and listen to the sounds of nature…

Well I’ll let you see for yourself…

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See, I wasn’t joking about the random cow having a swim.

Want to book your holiday? Log on to kichakani.com to find out more!

Visit Kichakani Paradise!

Remembering 2015 with the Mini Explorer + Montage Video!


How was last year for you? Did you learn something new? Did you start your dream job? Did your heart get broken? I hope you grew, I hope you learnt to let go and that you grew stronger somehow. I hope it was the year you began to love yourself. Or started doing that one thing you wanted to do…

And maybe you figured out that “cutting off people” isn’t always necessary. Maybe you just need to talk it out. Hug it out. And yeah sometimes, you’ve grown apart and there’s just no way to fix it other than to say a painful goodbye. There’s still love, but it’s different now. And those clothes in your wardrobe, that you never wear, I hope you’ve figured out by now that maybe it feels even better handing them to someone who needs them more. Maybe it’s beautiful watching someone try on a pair of jeans that never fit you and smile at you with gratitude.

And I hope you remembered that if you have a responsibility, it means waking up in the middle of the night to make sure that she’s sleeping right too. It means fighting the battle, getting out of your bed at 3 am, because you need to be sure she’s okay. When she falls asleep in your arms, because the only time she’ll sleep is when you hold her, it makes everything… worthwhile.

And I hope you figured out that you simply must forgive yourself if you messed up. These things happen. You’re a human being. And maybe you could learn from your mistake and become a champion of the very thing that was your downfall. There’s still time to do right, as long as you’re alive. Forgive yourself. Because as cruel as the world may seem, it’s pretty forgiving and understanding too…

I pray you didn’t let the pain turn you cold, and unkind. I hope it broke you open rather than sealed you shut. I pray that you learned to keep loving, to keep smiling, to keep being that bubbly person you were when you were 18 despite what you’ve been through. We need more of you, there are too many angry souls walking around already, dropping dominoes as they go…

I hope you allowed yourself to feel heart ache, to allow the grief to console you. You didn’t run away from it, or look for healing in the bottle. Or look for healing in hurting others. But you allowed tears to cradle your face for a while… While God sat beside you, and you learnt the beauty of His presence with no words exchanged. And from that pain, you softened.

I hope you had a moment that was so damn beautiful that your heart jumped a little, and you laughed just a little, and you shook your head because you’d never been so happy in your life. I hope you stopped caring about what people might say, about the scar on your face. And all you had time for was to dance to the beat of the happy-drum.

Maybe you found time to accept your flaws, face your weaknesses and look them in the eye. Because those who become aware of their weaknesses find new strength. And during this time, maybe you started to figure out who truly loves you. Maybe you were astounded by the people that stuck around – the ones who didn’t give up on you even through your dark days. You don’t understand why, but you love them fiercly for it.

I pray that you have made peace with the past.

I hope you loved, and you were loved. I hope you dreamed, and you laughed so heartily. I hope you grew, and you found someone to wipe your tears. I hope you did something you were proud of, you stood up for yourself, you put yourself out there. And I wish you more in this new chapter, may you soar. Make us all proud darling. 😉


the Mini Explorer.

I dedicate this post to one furry best-friend of mine, and one feathery baby owlet, who didn’t get to be with us in 2016. You took pieces of my heart the day you went to heaven, and I miss you deeply, who knew you could teach me so much about loyalty, compassion and love. I’m sure your rolling in the glorious grass Spotty, while Orion soars above the night sky with her majestically long wings. My gosh, I miss you both…